Send Email

Send an Email message


Send an email using the parameters.


Connection String

Add a query string with the connection options for your mail provider.

  • host - the host of the mail server e.g. for Gmail

  • port - the port number. The default is 25. Others include 465, 2255

  • user - the connection username

  • password - the connection password

// example connection string

Additional Connection Settings

  • tsl_rejectUnauthorized - Used to reject a TLS connection if unauthorized. Default is false

  • ignoretls - if this is true and secure is false then TLS is not used even if the server supports STARTTLS extension (from node mailer docs)

  • requiretls - if this is true and secure is false then Nodemailer tries to use STARTTLS even if the server does not advertise support for it. If the connection can not be encrypted then message is not sent (from node mailer docs)

  • secure - if true the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If false (the default) then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false (from node mailer docs)


Send the email to this email address. This can be a string, variable or a comma delimited string.


The subject of the email. This can be a string or a variable


The body of the email. This can be HTML or plain text or variable


The email address that is sending this email. Defaults to

Attachments (string | variable)

The file path to attach to this email. This can be a string, variable or comma separated string.


Returns the body of the email if successful and the error if it is not successful.

NPM Package

This block uses node mailer for more information view the node mailer documentation.

Last updated